A captivating cover letter

So, you’ve written an outstanding resume with the intent of it being read by potential employer.

What’s next?

Writing a cover letter is an essential part when submitting your resume. It has become equally as important as the resume itself and is the first introduction your prospective employer will have. So you’ll want to make it count. Unlike your resume, your cover letter will give your prospective employer a look into your personal self and reiterate your marketable skills. Your intention for the cover letter is for them to become so interested in you that they become intent on reading your resume, which will state accurate and detailed information regarding your work experience, qualifications and academic history.

A cover letter is a way of personalizing your marketable skills and showing that you are serious and committed in your job search. It also enables your potential employer to see how clearly and concisely you are able to communicate in written form.

There are some guidelines that will help you write a cover letter that will entice the reader to want to continue on to your resume. Being brief is the key in this instance; a long-winded essay is not something that will be received well. Highlight your strengths and skills professionally, yet do so in a more personal manner- as if you are speaking directly to the person reading it. In a cover letter you also should include a bit about who you are and what value you will bring to the organization you are applying to.