Student Part-Time Job Interview Preparation

Even though you are only applying for a part-time job position, the interview is the most important part of the job process. Your CV has clearly impressed, so now you need to make sure you are just as prepared for the interview stage. It can be a daunting experience, and you will probably be nervous, but with sufficient preparation you can secure the job.

Make sure that you go to the interview with prior knowledge of the company itself, as well as the role that you are applying for. If you are applying to a large company, it’s vital to know the history and management structure that you will be coming into; even if you are applying to work in a supermarket, knowing about the business will come across well.

You should always be prepared to answer basic questions in the interview, such as why you feel you are the ideal candidate for the job. Draw up a list of questions and the answers you will give, and rehearse them in front of the mirror. If you have somebody that you can practice with, even better – a mock interview will help you to get used to the environment and learn your answers even better. In the interview there is likely to be some questions that you have not prepared for, such as scenarios that may occur once you have the position. Do not be afraid to ask for the question to be clarified if you do not understand, as it will show that you really want to get your answer perfect.

On the day of the interview you need to make sure that you look the part. Do not feel that you should always wear a shirt and tie – if you are applying to a part-time building position, then you may want to wear more casual (yet clean!) clothes. Make sure that you have groomed yourself well, with tidy hair and clean hands.

Finally, make sure that you arrive for the interview early. It will not look good if you arrive late; it’s much better to be waiting around than to be rushing to get there in time.